Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sulima's Scoop - Week of April 28

Weekly Reminders:

*Lesson 31 spelling pretest on Monday.
*Lizzadro Field Trip on Tuesday, from 11:15-2:00. Children will need to bring a sack lunch and drink.
*Jr. Achievement on Thursday.
*Lesson 31 spelling test on Friday.

Classroom Happenings:
English - We will be taking an English pretest on Monday and will begin our next unit on Wednesday.

Reading - At the beginning of the week, we will finish our problem/solution theme. Our next unit will focus on mysteries. This is always a favorite among the children.

Science - We will continue our Earth Science Unit. The children will learn more about igneous rocks and volcanoes. Then we will move onto sedimentary rocks.

We will take our trip to the Lizzadro Museum on Tuesday. The children will be doing a scavenger hunt throughout the museum. They will also have the opportunity to visit the gift shop. I have sent home a price list of some items in the gift shop to help them plan what they may want to purchase. The children will only have a few minutes to make their selection. We will be eating lunch in our classroom before we leave for the museum. The children will need to bring a sack lunch and drink on that day.

Social Studies - At the beginning of the week, we will finish our region scrapbook for the Midwest. I hope to begin our study of the Southwest at the end of this week.

Math - We will continue our unit on multiplying by a 2-digit number. At the beginning of the week, we will practice multiplying a 2-digit number by a 2-digit number. Then we will cover multiplying a 3-digit or 4-digit number by a 2-digit. We will probably take a quiz on all the lessons in this chapter on Friday. Please help your child look over lessons each night.

Website of the Week -
Visit The Lizzadro Museum Website at:

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sulima's Scoop - Week of April 21

I would like to thank all of you who attended our Spring Open House. It was a great success! We will be counting our candy bar ballots in class on Friday. I wonder which candy bar came out on top. Also, I would like to thank the families that donated books to our classroom library.

Weekly Reminders:
*Lesson 30 spelling pretest on Monday.
*Please join us for our wax museum on Wednesday, Apr. 23, from 12:00-12:40.
*Thirty-nine state test on Thursday.
*Early dismissal on Thursday - 11:00.
*Lesson 30 spelling test on Friday.
*Friday theme - Decade Day - wear clothes to represent the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, or 90's.

Classroom Happenings:

English: The children will continue working on their verb ABC books. These will be due on Friday, April 25.

Reading: Last week, we read a story called Farmer Schulz's Ducks. This week the children will do a problem/solution flap book based on the 3 main problems and 3 main attempted solutions from the story.

Science: We will continue our study of rocks and minerals this week. Our focus will be on igneous rocks.

Social Studies: Our Famous Illinoisan Wax Museum will be on Wednesday, from 12:00-12:40. All are welcome! During the week, we will also work on finishing our study of Illinois.

Math: We will review the fraction unit on Monday. The children will take the fraction test on Tuesday. Examples will be given on the test, but the children will not be able to use their notes. On Wednesday, we will begin a unit on multiplying by a 2-digit number.

Website of the Week:
Learn more about igneous rocks at:

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sulima's Scoop - Week of April 14

Weekly Reminders:
*Lesson 29 spelling pretest on Monday.
*Project Challenge on Tuesday.
*Verb Test on Wednesday.
*Jr. Achievement on Thursday.
*Spring Open House on Thursday from 6:45-8:30. HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL THERE!!!
*Favorite band/music/choir group shirt on Friday.
*Lesson 29 spelling test on Friday.

A reminder from the office to those students who purchase lunch tickets:
Students are NOT to be coming in daily and having to go down to the office to purchase a lunch ticket. They should only be coming in occasionally when they don't have a lunch &/or ran out of tickets. They are to bring exact change ($2.25). Students need to be bringing in money to buy multiple lunch tickets on the FIRST DAY of the school week. Too many students are bringing in money to buy lunch tickets all throughout the week.

Classroom Happenings:
English: Those children who received 89% or lower on the verb pretest will be taking the verb test on Wednesday. They should look over the sections they missed on the pretest. If your children received higher than 89% and would like to take the test on Wednesday, they may do so. I will take the higher of the two grades. Throughout this week, the children will be working on their verb ABC books. We will work on these for the next couple weeks.

Reading: The children will work on their "book club" concertinas. A grading sheet has been given to each child. These projects will be due on Thursday. They will have time in class on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. If they are not finished by the end of reading on Wednesday, they will need to complete it for homework that evening.

Science: We will continue our Earth Science unit. The children have observed the color, luster, texture, and hardness of 13 minerals. They have also done three specific mineral tests - magnet, streak, and vinegar. We will begin this week by discovering the specific gravity (weight) and cleavage (how it breaks) of the 13 minerals. We will use all the information on our mineral chart to try to identify the mystery minerals. We will take a quiz on minerals, properties, and the tests we used on Thursday.

Social Studies: It is time for another map test. Since the Southwest region only has four states, we will be taking a test on all the states in the Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, and Southwest. There are 39 states in these 4 regions. The children will need to know how to spelling all the state names. If they would like to earn bonus points, they can identify the state capitals. For every 5 correct captials, they will earn 1/2 a point. Our 39 state test will be on Thursday, April 24. During the week, we will finish our study of Illinois. We will also continue the Midwest section of our region scrapbooks.

Math: Fractions will continue. On Monday, we will learn how to add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators. On Tuesday and Friday, we will explore adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators. The children will need to find a common denominator before they can solve these problems. Our test on this unit will be on Tuesday, April 22.

Website of the Week:
Practice for the 39 state test at...

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Sulima's Scoop - Week of April 7

Weekly Reminders:
*No spelling pretest this week. We will be doing lesson 26 which reviews lesson 19-25.
*Character Counts Assembly - Character Magic on Tuesday at 1:30.
*Family Book Night on Wednesday from 6:30-8:00.

*First Jr. Achievement Lesson with Mr. Shahnasarian.
*Baseball theme day on Friday.
*Spelling lesson 26 review test on Friday.
*Second book club discussion on Friday.

Classroom Happenings:
English - The children took an English pretest on verbs last week. All of the students did very well on this pretest. I am asking the children to look over the sections on the pretest that they did not get correct. They can also look in the book for extra practice. I will be doing mini-lessons during the next couple weeks on the lessons that seemed to be weak areas on the pretest. Throughout the rest of the time, the children will be working on a Verb ABC book. The children should be looking for interesting, unfamiliar verbs to put in their ABC book. We will be working on these books in class for the next few weeks.

Writing - We will continue working on our candy bar persuasives this week. The children have now written their introduction and three body paragraphs. On Monday, we will work on writing our conclusions. Monday night's homework will include having an adult or older sibling edit all 5 of their paragraphs. We will be writing, in cursive, our final drafts in class on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Reading - We will continue our "Battle of the Wits" unit. The children will be reading passages and discussing the problems and solutions. We will also read a story called Farmer Schulz's Ducks. The children will make a problem/solution flip book based on this story.

The children should continue to work on their inventions at home. Please remember these are due to school on Tuesday, April 15. We will write our descriptions in class on Wednesday, April 16. The children will present their invention to the class on Thursday, April 17. All inventions will be on display during the spring open house on Thursday, April 17 from 6:45 to 8:30.

Science - We were unable to begin our Earth Science unit last week. We will begin this week by learning how to classify minerals. Don't forget to have your child reread the chapters from Crystal and the Geologist each night. We will highlight important information and key words in class. This will help focus the children's attention as they reread each night.

Social Studies - Start searching for your costumes and props! The children are finishing their "Just Look" books and will soon be ready to have our Famous Illinoisan Wax Museum. Our Wax Museum will be on Wednesday, April 23 from 12:00-12:40. All are welcome! Please try to visit and show your support. You do not need to attend the whole time. All 24 students will be presenting at the same time. You can walk around to as many "wax figures" as your time allows.

Math - We will continue our unit on fractions. At this time, all children should have their multiplication and division facts mastered. Many do not! PLEASE continue to practice at home even if your child has passed all their target tests. The students who do not have these facts mastered are really struggling on concepts like finding equivalent fractions and simplifying fractions. We will continue working with these concepts this week. The children will also learn about mixed numbers and begin learning how to add and subtract fractions/mixed numbers with like denominators.

Websites of the Week -
Learn more about minerals at...
Check out the great Rocks and Minerals Slide Shows at...