Friday, April 24, 2009

Sulima's Scoop - Week of April 27

Weekly Reminders:
*Chapters 10-12 Harriet the Spy take-home quiz due on Monday.
*Lesson 30 spelling pretest on Monday.
*Chapter 10, lesson 1 social studies quiz on Monday.
*Imagination Theater Assembly on Tuesday from 8:15-9:05.
*Project Challenge on Tuesday.
*Family Book Club Night on Wednesday - 6:30.
*All Box Tops due by Thursday.
*Project Challenge field trip to Woodridge Food Pantry on Thursday.
*Buona Benefit Night on Thursday. Click here for more info:
*Jr. Achievement on Friday.
*Lesson 30 spelling test on Friday.

Plan Ahead:
*Robert Crown Field Trip on Monday, May 11. Please bring a sack lunch and a drink. We will be eating early this day.
*Chapter 10 (open book/notes) social studies test on Tuesday, May 5.
*Harriet the Spy test on Tuesday, May 5.
*Adverb/Prepositional Phrase Test on Thursday, May 7.
*Jr. Achievement on Friday, May 8.

Classroom Happenings:
Science - We will investigate how electricity makes a magnet. The children will also learn how electricity and magnetism are related.

Social Studies - The children will learn about the climate and resources of the southwest. They will continue to work on their region scrapbook pages that they started on Friday.

**The 50 state test is quickly approaching. It will be on Thursday, May 21. The children will receive a word bank of state names and capitals. They will be expected to know the location of each state and the capital of each state. Capitals will not count as bonus as they have in the past. START STUDYING NOW!!!**
Accelerated Math - We have now finished our unit on adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions. On Monday, we will review long division and short division when you are dividing by a 1-digit number. The children will begin chapter 6 on Tuesday. In this unit the children will explore dividing by a 2-digit number.

Spelling - This week the children will be working with singular possessive nouns.

English - The children will compare with adjectives, use good and well correctly, and review negatives. This is a short unit. We will be testing on Thursday, May 7.
The children are working on a poetry book in class. We will be visiting the computer lab a few times this week to work on our poetry book covers and to begin typing our poems. This project will not be due until May 15. I will give the children 20-30 minutes each day to work on this project. If they use their time wisely, they will be able to finish most of the project in school.

Reading - We will finish Harriet the Spy this week. The children will be reading the final chapters together in class. If we do not finish reading in class, it will be assigned for homework. The children will take a test on Harriet the Spy on Tuesday, May 5th. They will be allowed to use any of their notes and may refer to the book.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Sulima's Scoop - Week of April 20

Weekly Reminders:
*This is the last week of our food drive.
*Jr. Achievement on Monday.

*Thirty-nine state test on Monday.
*Lesson 29 spelling pretest on Monday.
*Project Challenge on Tuesday.
*Roller Skating Party on Tuesday.
*Chapter 10 Fraction Test on Thursday.
*Lesson 29 spelling test on Thusday.
*Lakeview visit on Thursday from 1:00-1:30.
*Early Dismissal on Friday at 11:00 - no math or language arts.

Plan Ahead:
*Chapter 10, lesson 1 social studies quiz on Monday, April 27.
*Harriet the Spy take-home on chapters 10-12 is due on Monday, April 27.
*Project Challenge on Tuesday, April 28.
*Project Challenge Field Trip to the Woodridge Food Pantry on Thursday, April 30.
*Jr. Achievement on Friday, May 1.

Thank You!!!
I would like to thank all the families for attending our spring open house. The children did a wonderful job preparing for this evening. I am so proud of them. Also, thank you to all the students/families that donated books to our classroom. I know the children will enjoy reading them all.

Candy Bar Election:
The winner of the candy bar election was Kit Kat with Twix close behind.

Classroom Happenings:
Science - We will continue our study of electricity by exploring series and parallel circuits, switches, and insulators & conductors.

Social Studies - We will take our 39 state test on Monday. Throughout the week we will discuss the environment in the Southeast region. The children will take a quiz on chapter 10, lesson 1 on Monday. It will not be open book.

Accelerated Math - We will finish chapter 10 by exploring division of fractions. Our test will be on Thursday. On Wednesday, we will review all concepts that will be on the test.

Spelling - Lesson 29 focuses on the proper use of the prefixes "mis" and "dis".

English - I will meet with each student on Monday to discuss their English enrichment project ideas. We will begin our unit on adverbs and prepositional phrases on Tuesday. This week we will learn about prepositional phrases and indentifying adverbs in a sentence.

Reading - We will continue reading Harriet the Spy. The children will read chapters 10-12. A take-home quiz will be sent home on Wednesday and will be due on Monday.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sulima's Scoop - Week of April 13

Weekly Reminders:
*Lesson 28 spelling pretest on Monday.
*Inventions, Contracts, and Rubrics due on Tuesday.
*Take-Home Quiz on chapters 7-9 of Harriet the Spy due on Tuesday.
*All fourth grade students will take the OLSAT test on Wednesday. Please make sure they get a good night sleep and eat a healthy breakfast. There is really no other way to prepare for this test.

*Spring Open House/Book Fair on Thursday, from 6:30-8:00.
*Quiz on estimating fractions and mixed numbers, adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers, and multiplying fractions will be on Friday.
*Lesson 28 spelling test on Friday.
*Movie Night on Friday.

Food Drive:
The Project Challenge Problem Solvers are working on their next problem. They are working with the entire school to collect food for the Woodridge Food Pantry. Non-perishable donations will be accepted until April 27.

Plan Ahead:
*Project Challenge on Tuesday, April 21.
*Roller Skating Party on Tuesday, April 21.
*Early Dismissal, 11:00, on Friday, April 24.
*Project Challenge on Tuesday, April 28.

Classroom Happenings:
Science: We will continue our unit on Electricity. We will explore how electricity and magnetism are related.

Social Studies: We will have our first Jr. Achievement lesson. The students will be earning social studies grades during Jr. Achievement. We will also continue our study of the Grand Canyon.

Accelerated Math: We will continue our unit on Fractions. The children will explore adding and subtracting mixed numbers, multiplying fractions, and multiplying mixed numbers. There will be a quiz on all concepts covered on Friday.

Spelling: Our spelling words this week have either the prefix "in" or "un." Our test will be on Friday.

English: We will spend most of the week working on our candy bar persuasives. The children will also be visiting the computer lab to finalize their flat stories and Just Look books. If time allows, we will begin our unit on Adverbs and Prepositional Phrases on Friday.

Reading: We will continue reading Harriet the Spy. The children will need to turn in their take-home quiz on chapters 7-9 on Tuesday.