Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sulima's Scoop - Week of May 3

Weekly Reminders:
*Lesson 33 spelling pretest on Monday.
*Jr. Achievement session on Monday.
*Second Book Club Discussion on Monday.
*Chapter 7 science test on Wednesday.
*West region map test on Thursday.
*Lesson 33 spelling test on Friday.

Plan Ahead:
*Robert Crown field trip on Monday, May 10. Students will need to bring a sack lunch & drink. We will eat in our classroom prior to our scheduled lunch time.

*Chapter 12 social studies test on Tuesday, May 11.

Smencil Sales:
Students from Project Challenge have started a fundraiser for the ASPCA, a foundation to stop animal cruelty. The kids will be selling Smencils® (scented pencils) for a 1.00 each. The pencils will be sold each morning in the grade level areas. The sales will start Friday April 30th and go through May 28th. We will track our sales on the bulletin board by the multi-purpose room. For every twenty dollars we raise, one food bowl will go up on the bulletin board. So please help save our animals. Buy Smencils.

Homeroom Happenings:
Science - We will take the chapter 7 test on Wednesday. We will not begin our next chapter until the following week.
To prepare for the chapter 7 test:
*Key Words: mineral, rock, igneous rock, sedimentary rock, metamorphic rock, rock cycle, weathering, erosion, humus, horizon, bedrock, sand, and clay.
*What are minerals? What test did we do to classify minerals?
*What are the 3 types of rocks and how are they formed?
*What is the difference between a rock and a mineral?
*What is the rock cycle?
*What processes take place during the rock cycle?
*How does weathering affect rock?
*How does a sinkhole form?
*How does erosion affect rock?
*What happens when two plates of Earth's surface come together and push against each other? Hint - What large landform begins to develop?
*What is soil?
*What are the horizon layers? What is in each layer?
*How does soil form and how do soils differ?
*Why is some soil very dark and others light?

Social Studies - We have begun our study of the Western region. The children have explored the Rocky Mountains and Yellowstone National Park. They have also learned about the varied climates in the Western region. This week we will discover the many resources that can be found in this region. We will fill out our "how to study" sheet on Thursday. The chapter 12 test will be on Tuesday, May 11.

Spelling - The children will be working on lesson 33 this week. This lesson practices words with "tion". Please have your child practice their words in cursive prior to the test on Friday.

English - We will continue our study of pronouns. Our lessons will include "Using I and me", "Possessive Pronouns", and "Contractions with Pronouns". We will finish our study of pronouns the following week. Our test will probably be on May 18.

Reading - The children are doing a wonderful job on their poetry books. This is a great activity to review our figurative language skills. We will continue to go to the computer lab on Monday - Wednesday. Your child may want to consider doing some of this project at home. If you do not have a printer, your child can save the files on a flash drive to bring in or send them to my e-mail . This project is due on Friday, May 14. The children will also continue their book club reading this week. They will meet with their groups on Monday. Each child should have at least 5 post-it notes completed for Monday. The post-it notes should not be blank or have an arrow pointing to what they want to discuss. They should have discussion items written on them. Remember these could be connections, vocabulary, favorite parts, confusing parts, questions to ask the group, predictions, etc.

Accelerated Math Menu:
Monday - We will spend a bit more time on dividing by 2-digit numbers. We will also fill out the "how to study" sheet. H.W. Study for chapter 6 test on Wednesday.
Tuesday - We will review for the chapter 6 test. H.W. Study for the chapter 6 test tomorrow.
Wednesday - Chapter 6 test.
Thursday - We will begin our next unit on Multiplying and Dividing Decimals. Our first lesson is on multiplying decimals by 10, 100, & 1,000. H.W. Daily Review pg. 84.
Friday - We will work on multiplying decimals by whole numbers. H.W. Daily Review pg. 85.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sulima's Scoop - Week of April 26

Weekly Reminders:
*Second Jr. Achievement session on Monday.
*Lesson 32 spelling pretest on Monday.
*First book club discussion on Monday.
*Chapter 7, lesson 3 open-book science quiz on Monday.
*Straight A's (from 2nd trimester) recognized on Tuesday.
*Chapter 7, lesson 4 open-book science quiz on Friday.
*Lesson 32 spelling test on Friday.

Plan Ahead:
*Second book club discussion on Monday, May 3.
*Chapter 7 science test on Wednesday, May 5.
*Western Region map test on May 6.
*Robert Crown field trip on Monday, May 10.

Homeroom Happenings:
Science - We will continue working on chapter 7 this week. On Monday, we will take the lesson 3 open-book quiz. In lesson 4, we will explore soil. There will be an open-book quiz on this lesson on Friday. We will also fill out a "how to study" sheet on Friday. Our test on chapter 7 will be on Wednesday, May 5.

Social Studies - Our trip around the regions of the United States will continue. We will begin our visit in the Western Region. The children should be studying for the West map test. They should know the correct spelling and location of each state. Capital cities will count as 1/4 point bonus each. This test will be on Thursday, May 6. This week we will look at the landforms of the West.

Spelling - The children will be working on lesson 32 this week. This lesson practices words with consonant + "le". Please make sure your child practices their words in cursive.

English - We will begin our unit on pronouns. This week we will focus on lessons 1, 2, & 3. These lessons cover pronouns, subject pronouns, and object pronouns.

Reading - We will continue working on our review of figurative language with our poetry project. Our class will be visiting the computer lab each day to work on word processing our poems. The children should also be reading their book club assignments. Our first discussion will be on Monday. They will receive 5 more post-it notes for our next meeting. This meeting will be on Monday, May 3.

Accelerated Math Menu:
Monday - Continue Dividing by 2-digit divisors. H.W. Daily Review pg. 64 (1-8 only) on notebook paper.
Tuesday - Five-minute division timed test (practice). Continue Dividing by 2-digit divisors. H.W. Daily Review pg. 65 (1-8 only) on notebook paper.
Wednesday - Checkpoint Quiz on Mental Math - Patterns in Division, Estimating Quotients, & dividing by 2-digit divisors. H.W. None.
Thursday - Continue Dividing by 2-digit divisors (larger numbers). H.W. Daily Review pg. 66 (1-9) on notebook paper.
Friday - Continue Dividing by 2-digit divisors (Money). H.W. None.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sulima's Scoop - Week of April 19

Weekly Reminders:
*Jr. Achievement on Monday.
*Lesson 31 spelling pretest on Monday.
*Check your child's grades this week - Mid-Trimester.
*Chapter 10 math test on Tuesday.
*Chapter 11 social studies test on Wednesday.

*Fourth Grade Talent Show, 12:15 on Wednesday.
*Early Dismissal on Thursday, 11:00.

*Earth Day on Thursday.
*Due to Early Dismissal on Thursday, we will celebrate Earth Day on Friday. Wear Earth Day shirts or colors of nature (ex. green or brown).

*Lesson 31 spelling test on Friday.

Plan Ahead:

*Chapter 7, lesson 3 open-book science quiz on Monday, April 26.
*Straight A's recognized on Tuesday, April 27.
Spring Open House:
Our Spring Open House was such a success! The children were so proud and excited to share all their wonderful work with you. I want to thank you all for attending! I would also like to thank all of the families who donated books, from the Scholastic Book Fair, for our classroom. Many of the books I chose are Rebecca Caudill Nominees or Bluestem Nominees. They will be wonderful additions to our classroom library!

Homeroom Happenings:
Science - We will continue working with chapter 7 this week. Our focus will be on erosion and weathering. The children will take an open-book quiz on this lesson on Monday, April 26.

Social Studies - Our study of the Southwest Region is coming to an end. We will fill out our "how to study" sheet on Monday. The chapter 11 test will be on Wednesday.

To prepare for this test, review the following concepts:
* Review these key words: hogan, viceroy, missionary, vaquero, tallow, homestead, and aqueduct.

*Review these important people: Kit Carson, Henry Chee Dodge, Father Eusebio Kino, Philip Armour, and Annie Oakley.
*Describe the early culture of the Navajo people.
* Describe "The Long Walk".

*Explain how the Navajo Council governs the Navajo Nation.
*Describe the Spanish Influence in the Southwest.
*Describe the effects missionaries had on some Native Americans.
*Explain how cattle raising helped the economy of the Southwest develop.
*Describe the roles of cowboys and cowgirls in the Southwest.
*Identify the route of the Chisholm Trail and explain the role it played in the cattle trade.
*Contrast ranching in the Southwest in the past with ranching in the present.
*Explain how irrigation has affected the economy of the Southwest.
*Describe how air conditioning has impacted the economy of the Southwest.

Spelling - We will work with lesson 31 this week. This lesson practices plural possessives. Please have your child focus on where the apostrophe should be placed. Also, the children should practice writing their words in cursive.

English - This week, the children will take the next English pretest. We will not begin the unit until the week of April 26. We will also begin a study of persuasive writing.

Reading - We will begin a poetry study this week. This unit will review all types of figurative language. The children will be making their own poetry book. The final project will be due on Friday, May 14. The children will also be doing book club reading during this time. I will introduce the book choices on Monday. The children will find out on Tuesday which book they will be reading. They will develop a reading schedule with their book club group. The first book club discussion will be on Monday, April 26.

Accelerated Math Menu:
Monday - We will review for the chapter 10 test. H.W. Study for test.
Review the following concepts for the test:
*Adding and Subtracting fractions and mixed numbers with like and unlike denominators.
*Estimating the sums and differences of Mixed numbers.
*Multiplying whole numbers and fractions.
*Multiplying fractions and mixed numbers.
*Dividing with fractions, whole numbers, and mixed numbers.
Tuesday - Chapter 10 test. H.W. None.
Wednesday - We will begin Chapter 6 - Mental Math: Patterns in Division. H.W. Daily Review pg. 61.
Thursday - Chapter 6 - Estimating Quotients. H.W. Daily Review pg. 62.
Friday - Chapter 6 - Dividing by 2-digit divisors (Day 1). We will spend a few days on this difficult concept. H.W. None.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sulima's Scoop - Week of April 12

Weekly Reminders:
*Lesson 30 spelling pretest on Monday.
*Chapter 7, lesson 1 science quiz on Tuesday.
*Inventions, Contract with colored diagram on back, & Grading Rubric due Tuesday.
*Invention Presentations on Wednesday or Thursday.
*Spring Open House on Thursday, April 15, 6:30-8:00.
*Lesson 30 spelling test on Friday.
*Chapter 10 math quiz #2 on Friday.
*Chapter 7, lesson 2 science quiz on Friday.
Plan Ahead:
*Check your child's grades during the week of April 19 - Halfway mark of trimester.
*Chapter 10 math test on Tuesday, April 20.
*Earth Day on Thursday, April 22. Wear Earth Day shirts or colors of nature (ex. green or brown).
*Early Dismissal on Thursday, April 22. Dismissal at 11:00.
*Straight A's recognized on Tuesday, April 27.
Homeroom Happenings:
Science - We will take a quiz on chapter 7, lesson 1 on Tuesday. This quiz will be open-book. We will then use the rest of the week to begin chapter 7, lesson 2. This lesson explores the rock cycle. There will be an open-book quiz on Friday.

Invention Convention - The children need to bring their completed invention, contract with colored diagram on back, and grading rubric to school on Tuesday. That evening, they will need to write a short note-card speech. They will present to the class on Wednesday or Thursday. The speech can just review the name, purpose, how it solves the problem, and how it was made OR the children can add some creativity with catchy slogans or attention grabber. They will be able to use their note-card during the presentation. I will be drawing names, so all children should be prepared to present on Wednesday.

Social Studies - Our exploration of the Southwest Region will continue. We will finish our study of the Navajo. Then we will read about the Spanish Influence and the roles of ranchers and drivers in the Southwest. Finally, we will explore life in the desert. The children will fill out a "how to study" sheet on Monday, April 19. The test of chapter 11 will be on Wednesday, April 21.

Jr. Achievement - This week our Jr. Achievement representative, Mr. George Shahnasarian, will come in for a brief introductory overview of the fourth grade Jr. Achievement Program. On Monday, April 19, we will have our first actual lesson with him. Activities done with Mr. Shahnasarian will be taken for a social studies grade.

English - The children will continue going through the process of writing an expository essay. We have our 3 key ideas, 2 supports for each of the 3 key ideas, and elaboration for each support. This week we will work on our introductions ~ writing a "hook" to grab the reader's attention and writing a conclusion.

Spelling - We will work with lesson 30 this week. This lesson practices singular possessive nouns. Don't forget to have your child practice their words in cursive.

Reading - Fourth graders will continue working on personification and self-questioning. We will continue to work with Pourquoi Tales. The children are excited to share their Pourquoi Tales with you at the spring open house.

Accelerated Math Menu:
Monday -Multiplying Whole Numbers and Fractions. H.W. Daily Review pg. 118.
Tuesday - Multiplying Fractions and Mixed Numbers. H.W. Daily Review pg. 119 (1-12) & 120 (1-9).
Wednesday - Dividing by Fractions. H.W. Review Notes.
Thursday - More Dividing with Fractions & Mixed Numbers. H.W. Review for checkpoint tomorrow.
Friday - Fill out "how to study" for Chapter 10 test on Tuesday. Checkpoint on Estimating Sums and Differences of Fractions and Mixed Numbers, Multiplying Whole Numbers, Fractions, and Mixed Numbers and Dividing with Fractions & Mixed Numbers. H.W. Study for Chapter 10 Test on Tuesday.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sulima's Scoop - Week of April 5

Welcome Back! I hope you all had a wonderful spring break.
Weekly Reminders:
*Lesson 29 spelling pretest on Monday.
*Receive readers' theaters on Monday. Practice each night.
*Present readers' theaters on Wednesday.
*Math quiz on Thursday - adding and subtracting fractions & mixed numbers with like and unlike denominators.
*Lesson 29 spelling test on Friday.

Plan Ahead:
*Inventions due on Tuesday, April 13.
*Chapter 7, lesson 1 open-book quiz on Tuesday.
*Spring Open House on Thursday, April 15.

Homeroom Happenings:
Science - We will begin our Earth Science study by exploring minerals. We will be classifying the minerals by testing for hardness, luster, streak, magnetism, color, and texture. The children will also begin exploring 3 types of rocks - igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. The open-book quiz on this lesson will be on Tuesday, April 13.

Social Studies - Our study of the Southwest region will continue. We will learn about some of the first people in the Southwest - The Navajo. The children will also work on a Navajo craft project.

Spelling - The children will work with lesson 29 this week. This lesson adds the prefixes "mis" and "dis" to different root words. Please make sure your child practices their spelling words in cursive.

English - We will continue working on our Hero expository essays. At this point, the children have identified their hero and brainstormed what traits make them a hero. This week, the children will fill out a graphic organizer and write their rough drafts.

Reading - Our focus for this week will be on Pourquoi Tales. These folktales explain how something came to be in nature. Pourquoi is a French word that means "why". We will explore personification and self-questioning during this study. The children will also write their own Pourquoi Tale. Each child will receive a readers' theater script on Monday. They will need to practice their lines for Wednesday.

Accelerated Math Menu:
Monday - Adding fractions & mixed numbers with like and unlike denominators. H.W. Daily Review pgs. 108 (#1-8), 113 (#1-8), 115 (#1-8).
Tuesday - Subtracting fractions & mixed numbers with like and unlike denominators. H.W. Daily Review pgs. 109 (#1-8), 114 (#1-8), 116 (#1-8).
Wednesday - Adding and Subtracting fractions & mixed numbers with like and unlike denominators. H.W. Quiz tomorrow on concepts covered on Monday-Wednesday.
Thursday - Practice 5-minute division test. Quiz on adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers with like and unlike denominators. H.W. None.
Friday - Estimating sums and differences of mixed numbers. H.W. None.