Thursday, April 26, 2012

Behind the Scenes - Week of April 30

Weekly Spotlight:
*Spelling pretest on Monday.
*MAP Reading test on Tuesday at 1:00.
*Spelling test on Friday.
*MAP Math test on Friday at 1:00.

MAP Practice Games:

Coming Attractions:
*Fifty State Test on May 18.

Homeroom Happenings:
Science - We will continue our study of simple machines.  The children will explore inclined planes, screws, and wedges.

Social Studies - Our study of the West will begin.  Students should begin studying for the 50 State Test which will be on May 18.  The children will have a word bank of state names.  They will also have a word bank of capitals.  They can earn a bonus point for every 10 correctly identified.
Games to Practice 50 States:

English - We will continue working on our candy bar persuasive essays.

Spelling - The children will take a spelling pretest on Monday.  The test will be on Friday.  It will include the 2 bonus words.  Spelling tests need to be done in cursive.

Reading - This week we will focus on the reading target skill of comparing and contrasting.  Comparing means showing similarities.  Contrasting means showing differences.  By comparing and contrasting one thing with another, readers can remember more of the information.

Mrs. Sulima's Math Class:
Monday - Begin unit on Multiplying and Dividing Decimals.
Tuesday - No math due to MAP testing.
Wednesday - Continue unit on Multiplying and Dividing Decimals.
Thursday - Continue unit on Multiplying and Dividing Decimals.
Friday - No math due to MAP testing.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Behind the Scene's Week of April 23

Weekly Spotlight:
*Spelling pretest on Monday.
*Early dismissal on Wednesday, 11:00.
*District 66 Fundraiser Panda Express on Wednesday.
*Science chapter 17, lesson 2 quiz on Thursday.
*Spelling Test on Friday.
*Vocabulary Quiz on Friday.

Coming Attractions: 
*MAP Testing begins week of April 30.

In an effort to make the transition to 5th grade as smooth as possible, the fourth grade teachers will be enforcing the 5th grade policy for late work during the month of May. The policy is as follows:

-Any assignment that is late, but not taken for a grade, will receive a late slip. The student will have one point taken out of his/her homework bank. (NO CHANGE)

-Any assignment that is late and taken for a grade will receive a late slip, but no points will be lost from the homework bank. If the assignment is turned in one day late, the final grade will be reduced by 10%. If the assignment is more than one day late, but turned in before the unit test, the final grade will be reduced by 25%. If the assignment is not turned in before the unit test, the final grade will be a zero.

Book Worm Angels: 
The 4th grade is in competition against the 3rd and 5th grades to see which grade level can donate the most gently used books. The competition starts now and will last through Friday, May 4th. Look for more details in the flyer that will be sent home on Friday, April 20th.

Homeroom Happenings:
Science - We will continue our study of simple machines.  We will explore the Pulley and the Wheel-and-Axle.  There will be an open-book quiz on Thursday over chapter 17, lesson 2.

Social Studies - The children will finish their Navajo projects.  Then we will move on to the last region in the U.S. - The West.  We will be doing a project in the West - A State Travel Brochure.  We will not start this for a week or so.  

English - We are focusing on Persuasive Writing.  The children chose a candy bar that they feel will win the Candy Bar Election.  We will work on one paragraph at a time.  Before we begin writing, the children will fill out a graphic organizer.  We will be writing our introduction and at least one body paragraph this week.

Spelling - Our spelling pretest will be on Monday.  On Friday, the children will take the test in cursive.  The test will include 2 bonus words with 1/2 point each.

Reading - This week in reading, we will be focusing on two important skills: following directions & summarizing.  When reading a passage that describes how to complete a task, readers should look for clue words such as first, next, and finally to clarify the order of steps.  They also must understand that steps must be followed in the correct order, in order to complete the task.  Summarizing involves retelling a story in your own words and including only the most important events.  All students will study these skills using appropriate instructional-level materials.

Mrs. Sulima's Math Spotlight:
Monday - Long Division - Teens as Divisors.
Tuesday - Long Division - Two-Digit Divisors.
Wednesday - No math today due to Early Dismissal.
Thursday - Long Division - Dividing Larger Numbers and Dividing $.
Friday - Quiz on Dividing with Two-Digit Divisors.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Behind the Scenes - Week of April 16

Weekly Spotlight:
*Spelling Pretest on Monday.
*Chapter 6, lesson 1-7 math quiz on Monday.
*Second Session of Jr. Achievement on Thursday.
*Chapter 17, lesson 1 Science Quiz on Thursday.
*Spelling Test on Friday.

Thank You!!!!
I would like to thank all the families who attended the Spring Open House.  The children were so excited to share all their work with you!  Inventions will be sent home on Friday.  Hero projects will come home after they are graded.

Coming Attractions:
*OLSAT testing on Tuesday.  Please make sure your child gets plenty of rest on Monday night and begins the day with a nutritious breakfast.  There is really no other way to prepare for this test.
*Early Dismissal on Wednesday, April 25, 11:00.
*District 66 Fundraiser Panda Express on Wednesday, April 25.
*MAP Testing begins on Monday, April 30.  A schedule will be out soon.

Homeroom Happenings:
Science - We will begin our unit on simple machines.  The children will explore levers.

Social Studies - The children will be working in groups to make a set of postage stamps to commemorate the Navajo Tribe. 

English - The children will begin working on a persuasive essay.  We will follow the same format we did for our Hero expository essay.

Spelling - Our spelling pretest will be on Monday.  The spelling test, with bonus words, will be on Friday.

Reading - This week in reading the students will read two more selections with unexpected heroes.  We will discuss their character traits and compare them to people we know who may possess these same traits.  We will also review cause/effect and fact/opinion.

Mrs. Sulima's Math Spotlight:
Monday - Quiz on Chapter 6, lessons 1-7.
Tuesday - Dividing Whole Numbers by Fraction, Dividing Fractions by Fractions, and Dividing Fractions by Whole Numbers.
Wednesday - Dividing with Mixed Numbers.
Thursday - Quiz on chapter 6, lessons 8-12.
Friday - Review Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers.  Assignment using all operations.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Behind the Scenes - Week of April 9th

Weekly Spotlight:
*Spelling pretest on Monday.
*Inventions, Contracts with a colored diagram, and grading sheet are due on Tuesday.
*Note-card speech due on Wednesday (for Invention Presentation).
*Math Quiz on chapter 5, lessons 6-9 on Wednesday.
*First Session of Jr. Achievement on Thursday.
*Spring Open House/Book Fair on Thursday, 6:30-8:00.
*Spelling test on Friday.
*Wheel of Wisdom Assembly on Friday at 12:30.

Coming Attractions:
*Math quiz on chapter 6, lessons 1-7 on Monday, April 16.
*OLSAT testing on Tuesday, April 17.
*Early Dismissal on Wednesday, April 25, 11:00.
*District 66 Fundraiser Panda Express on Wednesday, April 25.  For more information:
*MAP Testing from April 30-May 11.

Homeroom Happenings:
Science:  Our inventions are due on Tuesday.  I look forward to seeing all the wonderful, innovative creations!  We will be writing a description of our inventions in class on Tuesday.  Tuesday night for homework, your child will be writing a note-card speech about their invention.  Invention presentations will be on Wednesday.  All fourth grade inventions will be displayed at our spring open house on Thursday evening.  I hope you can all attend!

Social Studies:  We will present our Desert Power Point Slide Shows throughout the week.  Computers will be on during the spring open house for viewing of these fantastic slide shows.  At the end of the week, we will begin studying the Navajo tribe.  The children will be working on a postage stamp project.

English:  We have completed our unit on Adjectives.  The children will take the Unit 4 Test on Tuesday.  This test will include:  What is an adjective?, adjectives after be, using a, an, and the, making comparisons (er and est), comparing with more or most, and comparing with good or bad.  English enrichment projects will be due on the day of the test.

Spelling:  Our spelling pretest will be on Monday.  The test will be on Friday.  Children will have the opportunity to earn 1 bonus point by spelling the 2 challenge words correctly.  The test will be completed in cursive.

Reading:  We will finish our Pourquoi Tales this week.  These creative stories will be displayed during our spring open house.

Mrs. Sulima's Math Class:
Monday - Subtracting Mixed Numbers with renaming.
Tuesday - Estimating Sums and Differences of Mixed Numbers.
Wednesday - Check your Progress quiz on chapter 5, lesson 6-9.
Thursday - Begin Chapter 6 on Multiplying Fractions.
Friday - Continue Multiplying Fractions and Mixed Numbers.  Check your Progress quiz on chapter 6, lessons 1-7 on Monday, April 16.