Thursday, December 19, 2013

Week of January 6

*No school on Monday - Snow Day.
*No school on Tuesday - Snow Day.
*First session of TGFD (Too Good For Drugs) on Thursday. This is a 10 week program.
*Math MAP Testing on Friday. (My math students will not take the test until Monday, Jan. 13)

Coming Attractions:
*Reading MAP Testing on Tuesday, January 14.
*Early Dismissal on Wednesday, January 15.
*No school on Monday, January 20.
*Trade Fair on Tuesday, January 21. (rescheduled date)
*Early Dismissal on Tuesday, February 4.

Homeroom Happenings:
Spelling - No spelling this week due to 2 Snow Days.

English - Let it Snow!  The children will be working on a "Snowman Adventure" story this week.  This narrative, must have a clear beginning, middle, and end.  We will focus on the use of voice and word selection.  During the week of January 13, we will begin a new English unit.  The pretest will be on Monday, January 13.

Reading - Daily, the children are working through lessons in our COACH book.  These lessons will help the students to understand what types of questions will be on the ISAT test which will be taken at the beginning of March.  We will also work on some mini lessons this week.  Our mini lessons will cover story vocabulary (plot, protagonist, antagonist, setting, and complications), conflict (internal and external), and a deeper look at plot (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution).

Science - Solids, Liquids, and Gases, Oh My!!!  We will begin our unit on matter this week.  Students should review their notes each night.  FYI:  Vocabulary will be defined on the notes sheets (not in the science/social studies spiral).

Social Studies - We will continue lesson 2 which looks into life in colonial cities, towns, and farms/plantations.  The children will complete a "flip book" on these three areas.   

Mrs. Sulima's Math Class:
Monday - Integers.  Homework will be due on Wednesday.
Tuesday - No math due to MAP testing.
Wednesday - Introduction to Integers & Comparing and Ordering
Thursday - No math due to MAP testing.
Friday - Adding Integers
Looking Ahead...My math class will take the Math MAP test, during our normal math time, on Monday, January 13.  We will be taking the 6+ form of the test.
Next Week:  Subtracting Integers, Multiplying Integers & Dividing Integers.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Week of December 16

Weekly Events:
*Early Dismissal on Tuesday, 11:00.
*Bowling trip from 9:00-11:00 on Wednesday.
*Students will present their owl presentations on Wednesday and Thursday.
*Spelling Test on Friday.
*Tivoli All-School trip on Friday. (We will eat lunch in the classroom before the trip.)

*Coming Attractions:
*Winter Break from December 21 to January 5.  Enjoy!
*Return to school on Monday, January 6

Homeroom Happenings:
Spelling - We will not have a spelling pretest this week.  We will be working with a special winter/holiday list.  Each child will need to complete 3 activities from our "Challenge Activity list" using the winter/holiday words.  The three activities are due Friday.

English - We will begin a new English unit after winter break.  This week, we will do some writing activities.

Reading - When we return from winter break, we will begin a new novel study.  The children should be working on their biography shape book project.


Science - The children have done a WONDERFUL job on their owl slide shows.  Don't forget, you can check your child's work on their google account.  This was a group project.  Each group had 2 or 3 students.  I am amazed at how well the groups worked together.  Thank you, boys and girls, for all your hard work on this project!

Social Studies - We will begin chapter 6, lesson 2.  After break, the children will be introduced to our trade fair project.  Each child will be responsible for creating something to trade at the trade fair.  All items should be homemade.  Start thinking now!

Mrs. Sulima's Math Class:
Monday - We will review for the test on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Tuesday - 1/2 of the test (addition and subtraction of fractions and mixed numbers)
Wednesday - 1/2 of the test (multiplication and division of fractions and mixed numbers)
Thursday - Fraction Problem Solving Day.
Friday - No Math.  Enjoy your break.  Get ready for our study of integers when we return from break.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Week of December 9

Weekly Events:
*Spelling pretest on Monday.
*All-School Holiday Concert on Tuesday at 9:00.
*Owl quiz on Tuesday.
*Adjective test on Wednesday.
*Spelling test on Friday.
*TFK quiz on Friday.

Coming Attractions:
*Early dismissal on Tuesday, December 17, 11:00.
*Bowling field trip on Wednesday, December 18, 9:00-11:00
*Tivoli field trip on Friday, December 20, 11:15-2:10.  We will eat lunch in the room before we leave.

Homeroom Happenings:
Spelling - We will take our spelling pretest on Monday.  Students who miss one or none, will work with challenge words for the week.  They will need to complete a practice sheet and 3 challenge activities.  The rest of the students will work with the regular 5th grade list.  They will also need to complete a practice sheet and 3 workbook pages.  All spelling work will be due on Friday.  The spelling test (regular & challenge) will be on Friday.

English - We have completed our English unit on adjectives.  The class will review on Monday.  Our adjective test will be on Wednesday.

Reading - Our final literature circle meeting will be on Tuesday, December 10.  I will be collecting the novels and literature circle packets on Tuesday.

MAP Reading Review Games

Science - The children have started a group technology project.  They are researching an owl found in Illinois and displaying their research in a Google Docs presentation (like a PowerPoint slide show).  
This past week, we dissected owl pellets.  The children enjoyed this song:  Owl Pellet Song

Social Studies - We will explore life in the colonies.  Our focus will be on work and trade.

Mrs. Sulima's Math Class:
Monday - Review multiplying fractions & mixed numbers.
Tuesday - No math due to All-School Holiday Concert.
Wednesday - Review dividing fractions and mixed numbers.
Thursday - Fractions with money.
Friday - Algebra with fractions and mixed numbers (expressions & Equations)
A Look Ahead...Week of Dec. 16 ----
Monday - Review Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing fractions and mixed numbers.
Tuesday - 1/2 of Fraction Test (shortened math class)
Wednesday - 1/2 of Fractions Test (shortened math class)
Thursday - Problem Solving Day
Friday - No math today.  Enjoy your Winter Break.  We will begin integers in the new year!

MAP Math Practice Games

Biography Shape Booklet

Today your child brought home our 2nd Trimester book project.  They will need to read a biography (preferably 100 pages or less) and create a Biography Shape Booklet about the person.  Below are some examples that might help you visualize the project.  I did tell the students that they may type their information and may use computer generated illustrations.  Today at library check-out, many children chose a book.  They need to show me their book by Wednesday, Dec. 11.  At that time, I will provide them with the grading rubric and tag board.

Sheryl Sulima