Friday, March 7, 2014

Week of March 10

Weekly Events:
*Math Parent-Teacher conferences on Monday-Thursday.
*Spelling pretest on Monday.
*ISAT Reading session 3 on Monday at 9:30.
*Chapter 15, Lesson 3 Quiz on Tuesday.
*Week 9 of TGFD on Thursday.
*Spelling test on Friday - This grade will be on 3rd trimester.
*Wear GREEN on Friday.

Coming Attractions:
*No school on Monday, March 17.
*No school on Tuesday, March 18 - Teacher Institute.
*Chapter 15 Science test on Wednesday, March 19.
*5th Grade Field Trip to Naper Settlement on Friday, March 28.
*Spring Break: March 29 - April 6.
*SAVE THE DATE - TGFD Graduation on Thursday, April 17, from 8:30-9:30.  Parents and family members are invited!

Homeroom Happenings:
Spelling - This unit will be counted on 3rd trimester.  During 3rd trimester, students will need to get a perfect score on the pretest to become a challenge speller.  A new list of activities will be placed in your child's binder.

English - We will be starting a new unit this week.  The children will be taking a pretest, and will be doing enrichment work during any lesson that they pass out of.  Their contract will be in their binder sometime later in the week.

Reading - We will be reading a book called And Then What Happened, Paul Revere?  Your child will be doing activities with the following vocabulary words:  cargo, colonies, express, liberty, oppose, Patriot, revolutionary, sentries, and taxes.  We will also be discussing author's viewpoint and Fact & Opinion this week.

Third Trimester Reading Project - This week, I will introduce the "Fantasy Photo Story" project to the class.  On Thursday, the children will have an opportunity to choose a fantasy/science fiction book to read for this project.  Please watch your child's binder for information regarding this project.

Science - On Monday, we will review chapter 15, lesson 3.  The children will take a quiz on lesson 3 on Tuesday.  Please have them review their notes and the other vocabulary in this lesson.  We will then finish chapter 15 with lesson 4.  The test on Chapter 15 will be on Wednesday, March 19.  Watch next week's blog for test taking hints!!!

Social Studies - Our lesson this week is titled "The Colonists Rebel."  We will learn about the Boston Massacre, the Committee of Correspondence, The Boston Tea Party, the Intolerable Acts, and the First Continental Congress.

Mrs. Sulima's Math Class:

Monday - ordered pairs, coordinates
Tuesday - Graphing on a coordinate plane
Wednesday - Working with Coordinates
Thursday - Working with Coordinates
Friday - Working with Coordinates