Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sulima's LAST Scoop - Weeks of May 30 & June 6

Weekly Reminders:
*No school on Monday.
*50 State Test on Tuesday.
*"We're Bowling" Wednesday - Fourth grade bowling trip in afternoon.
*"Take it Easy" Thursday - Bring a board game to school.
*"Film Festival" Friday - We will sit back and enjoy a film.
*Last day of math and reading on Friday.
*"We Made It" Monday, June 6 - All-school picnic & Sky Dogz assembly.
*"That's All Folks" Tuesday, June 7 - Report cards and yearbooks issued.

American Red Cross for Japan:
The raffle for Japan has just begun. A letter was sent home on Wednesday, with the list of raffle items and raffle tickets. If you wish to participate, just fill in the tickets, put them in an envelope with the money, and return it to your classroom teacher. All tickets must be turned in by June 3rd. We will have the raffle at the all school assembly on June 6th. Thank you so much for your support.

Homeroom Happenings:
Science - We will finish our Earth Science unit with a study of Earth's landforms. The children will be exploring mountains, valleys, canyons, plains, plateaus, deltas, dunes, and islands. In their notes, the children will be drawing pictures of each landform.

Social Studies - Our study of the West will continue. We will compare and contrast the climates of Hawaii and Alaska. The children will also name the different climates in the West and learn about rain shadows. The 50 state test will be on Tuesday. They children will be given a word bank of capitals and state names. The capitals are bonus.

English - We have finished all our English units.

Spelling - We have completed all our spelling units.

Reading - As we wrap up reading class for the 2010-2011 school year, we will review all the strategies we have covered. Friday will be our last day of reading.

Accelerated Math Menu:
Monday - No school.
Tuesday - Dividing decimals by a whole number and Zeros in division. HW: WB pgs. 107 & 108.
Wednesday - Dividing decimals by decimals. HW: None.
Thursday - Estimating decimals quotients. HW: None.
Friday - Last Day of Math ~ TBD. HW: None.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sulima's Scoop - Week of May 23

Weekly Reminders:
*Math quiz on Monday.
*Spelling pretest on Monday.
*"Walk for Japan" at 3:30 on Tuesday.
*Adverb & Preposition test on Thursday.
*Spelling test on Friday.
*Science quiz on Friday (not open notes/book).

Plan Ahead:
*No school on Monday, May 30.
*50 State test on Tuesday, May 31.
*Fourth Grade Bowling trip on Wednesday, June 1 (after lunch).
*All-school picnic and Sky Dogz assembly on Monday, June 6.
*Last Day of school on Tuesday, June 7. Report cards and yearbooks will be issued.

Homeroom Happenings:
Science - We will continue our study of rocks by exploring the rock cycle. The children will take a quiz on the rock cycle diagram on Friday. This will not be open notes/book.

Social Studies - Our trip around the regions of the United States will wrap up with a study of the West. On May 26, we will have "Take a Hike Thursday". We will learn about the mountain ranges in the West and National Parks. Wear your hiking gear! On Tuesday, May 31, the children will be taking the 50 state test. There will be a word bank of state and capital names. Capitals will be counted as bonus - every 10 correctly identified capitals will be worth one point.

English - We will finish our study of adverbs and prepositions. The test on Chapter 7 will be on Thursday. Enrichment projects will be due the day of the test.

Reading -This week, in addition to reviewing all reading strategies, students will be focusing on identifying the elements of fantasy and realism. Students will learn that fantasy involves events that could not happen in real life, and that realism involves events that could happen or that have happened in the past.

Advanced Math Menu (for rest of school year):
Monday - Quiz on algebra concepts. HW: None.
Tuesday - Adding Integers. HW: Workbook pgs. 163 & 164.
Wednesday - Multiplying and Dividing Decimals by 10, 100, and 1000. HW: Workbook pgs. 101 & 106.
Thursday - Multiplying Decimals by Whole Numbers and by Decimals . HW: Workbook pgs. 103 & 104.
Friday - Zeros in the Product and Estimating decimal products. HW: Workbook pgs. 102 & 105.
Monday, May 30 - No school.
Tuesday, May 31 - Dividing Decimals by a Whole Number & Zeros in Division. HW: Workbook pgs. 107 & 108.
Wednesday, June 1 - Dividing Decimals by Decimals. HW: None
Thursday, June 2 - Estimating Decimal Quotients. HW: None.
Friday, June 3 - Last Day of Math - TBD.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Sulima's Scoop - Week of May 16

Weekly Reminders:
*Spelling pretest on Monday.
*All-School Concert at 9:00 on Monday.
*Math quiz on ratio, proportion, and percent on Tuesday.
*Fourth Grade Beginning Band Concert on Tuesday at 7:00.
*Homeroom Party on Wednesday.
*Final Jr. Achievement session on Thursday.
*Math quiz on chapter 14, lessons 1-4 on Friday.
*Science quiz on chapter 7, lesson 1 on Friday.
*Spelling test on Friday.

Plan Ahead:
*No school on Monday, May 30.
*Bowling trip on Wednesday, June 1.
*All-school picnic and Sky Dogz assembly on Monday, June 6.
*Last Day of school on Tuesday, June 7. Report cards and yearbooks will be issued.

Walk for Japan:
Don’t forget to sign up for the 2 mile Walk Day on Tuesday, May 24th at Prairieview School. All proceeds from the event will go to the American Red Cross to help the victims of the earthquake in Japan. There will also be a raffle to help raise money for the cause, and any donations would be appreciated. (gift cards, sport items, games, services, small goodies). Anyone who would like to volunteer on May 24th, please e-mail Mrs. Cavoto or Mrs. Sulima to let them know.

Homeroom Happenings:
Science: We will learn about Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic rocks. The children will take an open-book/notes quiz on chapter 7, lesson 1 on Friday.

Social Studies: The students will finish a postage stamp project about the Navajo. Next week, we travel to the West. Our 50 state test (word banks with state and capital names will be provided) will be on Tuesday, May 31. Start studying NOW!

English: We will finish our lessons on Adverbs and Prepositions this week. The test will be on Thursday, May 26.

Spelling: It is a review week. The children will be given a pretest on 30 words on Monday. If they spell them all correctly, they will be done with spelling for the week. If your child misses any words, they will need to complete the workbook pages and take the test in cursive on Friday.

Reading: This week we will focus on the reading target skill of comparing and contrasting. Comparing means showing similarities. Contrasting means showing differences. By comparing and contrasting one thing with another, readers can remember more of the information.

Accelerated Math:
Monday: Finding the percent of a number. HW: WB pg. 152 & quiz tomorrow.
Tuesday: Quiz on ratio, proportion, and percent. Using percents. HW: WB pg. 153.
Wednesday: Algebraic Expressions and Equations & Properties of Equality. HW: WB pgs. 156-157.
Thursday: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division Equations. HW: WB pgs. 158-159.
Friday: Quiz on Chapter 13, lessons 1-4. Introduction to Integers & Comparing and ordering integers. HW: WB pgs. 161-162.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sulima's Scoop - Week of May 9

Weekly Reminders:
*No Spelling this week.
*Chapter 10 Social Studies Test on Tuesday.
*Recreational Games PE Test on Wednesday.
*Marshmallow Catapults are due on Thursday.
*Early Dismissal on Friday, 11:00.

Plan Ahead:
*Fourth Grade Beginning Band Concert on Tuesday, May 17, 7:00.
*No school on Monday, May 30.
*Bowling trip on Wednesday, June 1.
*All-school picnic and Sky Dogz assembly on Monday, June 6.
*Last Day of school on Tuesday, June 7. Report cards and yearbooks will be issued.

Darien Dash:
The Darien Dash is on Sunday, May 15 at 8:30 am. The Dash includes a 1 mile walk, 5 K, and 10 K. If you are planning to register for this event, please consider representing Prairieview School. A $1,000 award will be given to the school that has the highest number of participants in the races. A $600 award will be given to the school that has the second highest number of participants. A $400 award will be given to the school that has the third highest number of participants. You will see some Prairieview teachers and staff walking and running in this event. Come and join us! Visit for more information and to register.

LifeSaving Grams:
Send a gram to your friends, teachers, or other staff members. Students can get additional grams from their teachers or they can also be printed off the PV homepage.

Homeroom Happenings:
Science - We will begin our Earth Science study. We will be observing and experimenting with minerals.

Social Studies - The children will be taking the Chapter 10 test on the land, climate, and resources of the Southwest on Tuesday. We will also learn about a Native American tribe from the Southwest.

English - We will begin our unit on Adverbs and Prepositions this week. Our focus will be on what is an adverb.

Spelling - No spelling this week.

Reading - Our focus in reading this week is on the reading strategy of monitor/clarify. Students should monitor how well they understand a story. If they don't understand something, they can reread or read ahead for help.

Accelerated Math:
Monday - Ratio and Percent
Tuesday - No math due to Project Brainwave Assembly.
Wednesday - Ratio and Percent
Thursday - Ratio and Percent
Friday - Ratio and Percent