Friday, August 28, 2009

Sulima's Scoop - Week of August 31

Weekly Reminders:
*Lesson 1 spelling pretest on Monday.
*English pretest on Tuesday.
*Curriculum Night on Thursday, 6:30-7:30.
*Lesson 1 spelling test on Friday.

Homeroom Happenings:
Science - We will begin the year by learning about the tools scientists use to measure, observe, and manipulate objects. The students will have an opportunity to use some of these tools. We will also explore the inquiry skills that scientists use and how they use these skills to learn and understand.

Social Studies - Our fist unit will explore local, state, and national governments. The students will work on a "Patriotic Quest" this week. This quest will give the students a better understanding of who is involved in our government and how our governement works using checks and balances.

Spelling - We will work with lesson 1 words this week. The children will add "ing" to words ending with silent e. Our lesson 1 test will be on Friday. Students will need to do their spelling test in cursive.

English - The children will take their first English pretest on Tuesday. I will grade the pretests and return them on Wednesday with an enrichment contract. If your child has passed out of any of the lessons, they will be doing enrichment work. Students will need to choose what enrichment project they would like to complete during this unit. This project will be done in school. I will explain this procedure to the children in class. I will also briefly review during curriculum night.
The children will also be doing D.O.L. (daily oral language) activities twice a week. These activities will allow the children to practice their grammar skills.

Reading - We will spend the week working on previewing, predicting, author's viewpoint, and probable outcomes. The children will also begin their first novel - Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume.

Vocabulary - On five day weeks, we will be doing "Words of the Week" - W.O.W. This week, we will work with words dealing with the weather. Students should review these words throughout the week. On Friday, they will do an activity to assess their knowledge of the five words.

Accelerated Math Menu:
Monday - Review how to take notes in a spiral notebook. The students will take notes almost every day. The children should bring home their math notebook each evening to allow them to use their class notes to complete their homework. We will be reviewing multiplying by 1-digit, using mental math to multiply, and multiplying by 2-digits.
Tuesday - We will continue to review the skills from Monday.
Wednesday - Students will do a math "Check-up" on the skills reviewed on Monday and Tuesday.
Thursday - We will begin working on dividing by 1-digit numbers and using mental math to divide.
Friday - The students will continue practicing the skills from Thursday.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

We Are Off And Running!!! - Week of August 24th

I would like to thank everyone for attending the open house. I enjoyed meeting you. I still have a few openings for classroom helpers. I will be putting these volunteer sheets out again during curriculum night on Thursday, Sept. 3. Parents of my homeroom students will also have an opportunity to sign up for conferences during curriculum night.

I would also like to thank all the families who have donated (or will be donating) items to the classroom. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Homeroom Happenings:
We have been organizing supplies, reviewing rules and routines, and getting to know each other. The children are also working on a few projects that will be displyed during curriculum night. What a WONDERFUL group of students I have this year!!!! They are friendly, respectful, and caring. We will begin spelling, vocabulary, handwriting, English, reading, science, and social studies during the week of August 31.

Mrs. Sulima's Math Class:
On Thursday, we will switch for math class. Each child will receive a multiplication assignment sheet. The children will be expected to have their facts mastered by the listed dates. We will begin the school year with a review of important concepts from the fourth grade textbook before moving into the fifth grade textbook.

**I will post a more detailed blog this weekend.**

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Welcome to Fourth Grade!

On Monday, August 24, please join us for the district open house. Between 9-11 a.m. come and visit our classroom, choose your desk & locker, bring your school supplies, and meet your teacher.

I am looking forward to meeting you!

Additional Supplies - Here are a few additional supplies you will need
(that are not on the school supply list).
*1 small covered pencil sharpener
*1 roll Scotch Magic Tape (3/4 inch)
*1 GB portable storage companion (flash drive). Make sure your name is on the flash drive. You can get these at Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy, etc. (Look for sales...the cheapest one will do.)