Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sulima's Scoop - Week of October 15


*Lesson 7 spelling pretest on Monday.
*Mrs. Cavoto's Worm Races are on Monday.
*Early Dismissal on Wednesday - 11:00.
*Book Fair on Thursday from 6:45-8:00.
*Lesson 7 spelling test on Friday.

We will begin Unit 1 this week on sentences. We will discuss what is needed to make a complete sentence. On Thursday, our focus will be on statements and questions. This should be a review since we already worked with these 2 types of sentences during our punctuation and capitalization unit.

We will continue our novel study - Charlotte's Web. This week we will be reading chapters 11-20. Throughout the week, we will work with some of the unique vocabulary that E.B. White uses in the novel. We will also do a visualizing activity. Please watch your child's assignment notebook - most evenings they will need to read a chapter for homework.

Mrs. Sulima's Class - We have now completed our Worm Study. The children used the scientific method throughout this unit. We will be using this process throughout other units this school year. Our class will be taking the first half of the week off from science to allow Mrs. Cavoto's class time to catch up with us. At the end of the week, we will begin our study of ecosystems.
Mrs. Cavoto's Class - We will begin the week with our "Worm Races." Let's the best worm win. Throughout the rest of the week, we will be working on our "wormy wonders" research. I was planning on a quiz on Thursday, but I don't think we will be ready for it. Instead, the children will complete the quiz at home. It will be due on Monday, October 22. They may use their notes, the Internet, or tradebooks to complete this at-home quiz.

Social Studies:
Please continue to check out Mrs. Cavoto's Blog for the latest news in Social Studies.

Math: (Mrs. Sulima's Math Students Only)
On Monday, we will fill out our "how to study" sheet. The test will be on Friday, October 19. The children will also complete a checkpoint review on Monday. On Tuesday, the class will work together to complete a word problem and T-chart. The children should look over this problem before the test on Friday. They will have a problem on the test that will be similar to the one we do in class. We will allow the children to look at the sample we did in class during the test. We will review for the test on Thursday. Please help your child study for this test. Remember to write down how your child studied and sign the "how to study" sheet to receive 2 free points on the test.

Website of the Week
Have some Halloween fun at: