Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sulima's Scoop - Week of February 25

Weekly Reminders:
*Lesson 22 spelling pretest on Monday.
*Project Challenge on Tuesday.
*DuPage Children's Museum-Wheel's, Levers, and Pulleys in-school presentation on Thursday.
*Spring Pictures on Thursday.
*Pronoun test on Thursday.
*Lesson 22 spelling test on Friday.
*Friday is the last day of 2nd, oh my, where has the school year gone?
*No school on Monday, March 3.
*Second (final) book club discussion on Tuesday, March 4.

Parent Teacher Conferences:
Second Trimester conferences will be held during the week of March 10th. These conferences are scheduled on an as needed basis only. If you would like to have a conference with any of your child's teachers, please contact them by e-mail, note, or phone to set up a date and time with them. I will be contacting parents from my homeroom and math class during the next week if I feel there is the need for a conference.

Classroom Happenings:
English: This week we will finish our unit on pronouns. On Tuesday, we will learn about pronouns and homophones. We will also fill out our "how to study" sheet. Our test will be on Thursday. My goal is to grade these and get them on your child's 2nd trimester grade. This will allow us to start fresh in 3rd trimester. We will be taking a short break from English, for the next couple weeks, to allow time to do our final preparations for ISAT testing.

Reading: The children should read the rest of their book for their next book club discussion on Tuesday, March 4 (the children asked for a bit more time to finish their reading). During reading on Monday through Thursday, we will review many reading concepts including: alliteration, similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia, finding the main idea & supporting details, cause and effect, and plot.

Science: We will continue our study of simple machines. The concepts we will cover this week are force, work, and energy. We will also begin looking at levers.

Social Studies: We will visit the computer lab a few times this week to continue researching Illinois. The children will be creating a travel brochure persuading tourists to visit Illinois. In the near future your child will need to choose a famous Illinoisan for our "Wax Museum" project. I will be sending a list of people and project details home soon.

Math: We will continue our unit on time and measurement. Since ISAT tests are quickly approaching, we will be taking a couple days each week to prepare the children for the math section of this test. The children will have multiple choice questions, short-response questions (PAL - Problem, Answer, Label), and extended-response questions (t-chart) on the ISAT tests.

Websites of the Week - Review for our pronoun test at these great sites.
Pronoun Clubhouse:
Grammar Blast:
Many Pronoun Links:
EZ Pronoun Game: