Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sulima's Scoop - Week of January 12

IOWA Testing
*Monday: 9:00 Vocabulary & 10:15 Reading Part I
*Tuesday: 8:15 Reading Part II, 9:00 Spelling, 10:15 Capitalization and Punctuation
*Wednesday: 8:10 Usage and Expression & 10:15 Math Concepts
*Thursday: 8:15 Math Problem Solving & 10:15 Math Computation
*Friday: Make-ups

Please make sure your child is well rested and has a nutritious breakfast. They should also bring healthy snacks/drinks to school each day. We will take a break for the children to relax and eat their snacks.

Weekly Reminders:
*Lesson 16 spelling pretest on Monday.
*Unit 3 Verb test on Tuesday.
*Open book/notes math checkpoint on Wednesday.
*Lesson 2 open-book science quiz is being moved to Thursday.
*Lesson 16 spelling test on Friday.

Plan Ahead:
*No school on Monday, January 19.
*Ms. Jocylyn Pluta, our student teacher, will begin on Tuesday, January 20.
*Chapter 6 social studies test on Wednesday, January 21.

Classroom Happenings:

Science - We will continue our study of vascular plants, nonvascular plants, and Fungi. The children will take an open book quiz on Thursday.

Social Studies - We will finish our study of resources of the southeast by learning about fossil fuels. The children will take an open book test on chapter 6 on Wednesday, January 21.

Accelerated Math - Our study of geometry will continue this week. We will classify triangles and quadrilaterals. On Wednesday, the children will take an open book/notes checkpoint. We will not have math on Thursday due to IOWA testing.

Spelling - Our words this week have either "ough" or " ould". The children should continue to practice their words in cursive at home.

English - The children will take the Unit 3 Verb test on Tuesday. Enrichment projects are due on the day of the test. On Wednesday, the children will take the next English prestest. We will begin the new unit during the week of January 19.

Here are some links to help you study for the verb test:

Reading - We will be reading and working with a story in our anthology called Happy Birthday, Dr. King.