Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sulima's Scoop - Week of October 26

Weekly Reminders:
*Halloween Parade on Thursday at 12:30.
*Pumpkin Decorating Contest on Thursday at 1:00. Bring the items to decorate your pumpkins in a plastic grocery bag. You can use this bag to carry your pumpkin home. (No push pins, please.)
*All-school Assembly on Thursday at 1:30.
*No school on Friday - Teacher Institute.
*Since we do not have school on Friday, our next 100 minute reading chart will be due on Monday, November 2.
*Unit 1 English test on Wednesday, November 4.

*Chapter 1, lesson 3 open-book science quiz on Wednesday, November 4 or Thursday, November 5.

Field Trip Reminder:
A permission slip went home regarding “all” field trips that will be taken this year. If you have not returned this to school, please sign the form (on each line) and return the form with one check (made out to Center Cass District 66) or cash by Tuesday, October 27th.

Classroom Celebration:
Two homeroom squares were pulled on the hundreds chart. We will have a classroom celebration on Wednesday afternoon. During the celebration, we will watch Charlotte's Web. If anyone would be willing to send in a healthy treat for the children to have during the celebration, it would be appreciated. We will also need drinks.

Halloween Hints:
*We only have 10-15 minutes for costume changes. Please make sure your child can change into his/her costume easily and by themselves. Children will not be changing in the washrooms. Girls will be changing in one classroom and boys will be changing in another classroom.
*If the costume can be worn over their clothes, then both the time to change and the chances of losing any clothes is minimized.
*If the costume involves make up, please do not apply it before sending your child to school. It becomes too much of a distraction as we try to do academic school work in the morning.
*If you send your child in with make-up then your child must to be able to apply it themselves.
*Please do not send any weapons (guns, swords, etc.) as part of the costume. Save those for trick-or-treating.
*We will not have time to change back into our clothes for dismissal. Your child will wear their costume home.

**In addition, if your child would like to bring in something to pass out to the class on that day, it is fine. We will be sending these goodies home.**

Homeroom Happenings:
Science - We will work on chapter 1, lesson 3. The essential question of this lesson is: How are Animals Classified? We will focus on vertebrates this week and invertebrates next week. The children will take an open-book science quiz on Wednesday, November 4 or Thursday, November 5.

Social Studies - Our study of the Northeast Region will continue. We will be reading chapter 5, lesson 2. This lesson does a quick overview of important historical events including the American Revolution, the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and immigrants coming to the America.

Spelling - This week we will be working with "spooky spelling" words. The children will have an activity to do each evening. Each activity will be graded. There will not be a spelling test this week.

English - We will finish the lessons in unit 1 this week. The children will learn about simple predicates and correcting run-on sentences. On Monday, November 2, we will fill out a "how to study" sheet for the unit 1 test. Our test will be on Wednesday, November 4. All enrichment will be due the day of the test.

Reading - The children will not be taking a final test on Charlotte's Web. Instead they will be making a "flip book" to display their understanding of the novel. The "flip books" will be due on Thursday. The children will be given time in class to work on this project, but some work may need to be completed at home. Flap 1 & 2 should be done by Tuesday. Flap 3 & 4 should be done by Wednesday. Flap 5 & 6 must be done by Thursday.

Accelerated Math Menu:
Monday - We will begin our chapter on using data and statistics. Our focus for the day will be on qualitative and quantitative data.
Tuesday - We will work on collecting data with surveys, line plots, and frequency tables.
Wednesday - The children have earned a math celebration.
Thursday - No math.
Friday - No school.