Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sulima's Scoop - Week of March 7

Weekly Reminders:
*No school on Monday - Pulaski Day.
*Third Trimester - ALL Tests and Quizzes need to be done in cursive.
*Chapter 15, lesson 3 Science quiz on Tuesday.
*Spelling pretest on Tuesday.
*ISAT Science Part 1 & 2 on Wednesday.
*Chapter 8 Social Studies test on Thursday.
*Spelling test on Friday.

Plan Ahead:
*Chapter 15 Science test on Tuesday, March 15.
*MAPs Parent Meeting on Tuesday, March 15, 6:30-7:30.
*PTO District Fundraiser at Nonnies on Wednesday, March 16. Click here for more information:
*Spring Break - Monday, March 28-Friday, April 1.

Homeroom Happenings:
Science - The students will take an open-book/notes quiz on chapter 15, lesson 3 on Tuesday. During the rest of the week, we will finish chapter 15 by studying how people use energy resources. We will fill out a "how to study" sheet on Thursday. The chapter 15 test will be on Tuesday, March 15.

Social Studies - Our test on chapter 8 will be on Thursday, March 10. To prepare for the test, review the following items:
-Explain how the Great Lakes were formed.
-Describe how the Great Lakes are connected to the Atlantic Ocean.
-Define the words waterway, canal, lock, and barge.
-Explain why the flow of the Chicago River was changed.
-Explain the advantages of shipping by water.
-Describe the landscape and climate of the Badlands 67 million years ago.
-Define erosion and describe the way it changes land.
-Define prairie and describe the types of life that live there.
-Explain why the climate of the Badlands changed.
-Explain why the Midwest is an important agricultural region.
-Explain why some farmers irrigate their crops.
-Identify the rainfall in the Midwest and explain how it affects the growth of crops.
-List ten crops grown in the Midwest.
-Identify some crops grown in the Central Plains and the Great Plains.

English - We will begin a writing project during the week of March 14.

Spelling - Students will take the pretest on Tuesday. The words this week have prefixes or suffixes. The test or challenge test will be on Friday. Tests will need to be written in cursive.

Reading - Next week we will be using the predict/infer strategy, as well as cause and effect. Thinking about story events and personal knowledge helps readers predict likely events. With cause and effect, students will focus on why story events happen and what happens as a result.

Accelerated Math Menu:
Monday - No school, Pulaski Day.
Tuesday - Computing with Customary Units. HW: WB pg. 131 (due Thursday).
Wednesday - No math due to ISAT Testing.
Thursday - Finding the area of parallelograms and triangles (we will review finding area of square and rectangles). HW: WB pg. 139.
Friday - Mini-quiz on Tuesday and Thursday lessons (open-book/notes). Pretest on next unit.