Thursday, October 20, 2011

Behind the Scenes - Week of October 24th

Weekly Spotlight:
*Tuesday Schedule on Monday - bring library books.
*Math quiz on Monday - Chapter 2, lessons 5-8.
*Monday Schedule on Tuesday - bring your recorder, if you haven't already.
*John Lynn Assembly on Wednesday.
*Early Dismissal on Thursday, 11:00.
*Chapter 2 Math Test on Friday.
*Halloween Parade on Friday, 1:00.
*Halloween Party on Friday, 1:30.
*Bingo Night on Friday, 7:00-8:30 - Join Mrs. Sulima!

On Friday, we will have our Halloween Parade and Party. Please keep in mind the following guidelines when helping your child pick out a Halloween costume for our Halloween party and parade (parents may come at 1:00 pm to watch our school parade) on Friday, October 28th:
*We only have 10 minutes for costume changes. Please make sure your child can change into his/her costume easily and by themselves. If the costume can be worn over their clothes, then both the time to change and the chances of losing any clothes is minimized. Children will not be allowed to use the washroom to change. Girls will change in one room and boys will change in another.
*If you send your child in with make-up, your child will need to be able to apply it themselves (within the 10 minute time limit).
*Please do not send any weapons (guns, swords, etc.) as part of the costume. Save those for trick-or-treating.
*We will not have time to change back into our clothes for dismissal. Your child will wear their costume home.

Coming Attractions:
*Chapter 1, lesson 3 & Chapter 2, lessons 2 & 3 Test on Wednesday, Nov. 2.
*Picture Retake Day on Thursday, November 3.
*Roller Skating Party on Monday, November 7, 3:45-6:30.
*No School on Friday, November 11 - Veteran's Day.
*End of first trimester on Friday, November 18.
*No school on Wednesday, November 23-Friday, November 25 - Thanksgiving Break.

Homeroom Happenings:
Science - We will finish chapter 2, lesson 3 on life cycles of animals. The children will fill out a "how to study" sheet on Thursday. Due to Halloween, our test will not be until Wednesday, November 2.

Social Studies - The children are working on a Narragansett village project. They had the choice of drawing an illustration of the village or writing a detailed story about the life of the Narragansett. Both projects need to include evidence of the following: wigwam(s), Sachem, fishing, hunting, farming, cooperation, and tools used.

Spelling - Our spelling words this week will be Halloween themed. We will not take a pretest or test. Your child will have 3 activities, using the words, that will be due on Friday. All three activities will be grades - 10 points each.

English - We will continue our study of sentences. On Monday, everyone will stay with me to learn about the 4 types of sentences - declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory. Throughout the rest of the week, we will focus on subjects and predicates, simple subjects, and simple predicates. We will also be doing an activity using alliteration.

Reading - This week in reading, students will be reviewing the strategies and skills that we have studied so far this year, with particular emphasis on predicting and making inferences.

Mrs. Sulima's Math:
Monday - Check your Progress quiz on chapter 2, lessons 5-8.
HW: None.
Tuesday - Fill out "how to study" & Extended response.
HW: Study for test on Friday.
Wednesday - Extended Response & review for test. HW: Study for test on Friday.
Thursday - No math due to early dismissal.
Friday - Chapter 2 Test. HW: None.