Friday, December 14, 2012

Behind the Scenes - Week of December 17

Weekly Spotlight:
*No spelling pretest on Monday.
*Creatures due on Monday.
*Chapter 3, lesson 2 and 3 Science Quiz on Monday.
*All-school holiday concert on Tuesday at 8:05.
*Weekly vocabulary quiz on Tuesday.
*Chapter 6 Social Studies quiz (open book) on Wednesday.
*Bowling Field Trip on Wednesday (12:00-2:00).
*Chapter 3 Science Test on Thursday.
*Creature Feature on Thursday from 1:40-2:10.
*Time For Kids Quiz on Friday.
*Tivoli Field trip on Friday (all afternoon).

Coming Attractions:
*Return to school on Monday, January 7.
*Spelling Pretest on Monday, January 7.
*DuPage Children's Museum In-School Presentation on Thursday, January 31 (Wheels, Levers, and Pulleys).

Homeroom Happenings:
Science - We will take a chapter 3, lesson 2 and 3 open-book quiz on Monday.  We will also fill out our "how to study" sheet for our chapter 3 Test.  The test will be on Thursday.  Creatures are due to school on Monday.  I am looking forward to meeting all these creatures.  In class, we will work on writing a description of our creature and preparing for our informal presentations on Thursday.  If possible, please try to join us anytime between 1:40-2:10 on Thursday, December 20 for our "Creature Feature."
Items to review for the Chapter 3 Test:
*Key vocabulary - basic needs, adaptation, natural selection, instinct, hibernation, migration, learned behavior, fossil, & extinction.
*What basic needs are shared by all living things?
*How do adaptations allow living things to meet their needs? Give examples.
*How do instinctive behaviors help animals meet their needs? Give examples.
*How do learned behaviors help animals meet their needs? Give examples.
*How do living things of long ago compare with those of today? Give examples.
*What can we learn from footprints, bones, impressions, and petrified wood? How are these formed?
*What is a living fossil? Give examples.
*Describe the causes of extinction.

Social Studies - The children will take an open-book chapter 6 quiz on Wednesday.  We will not take a "test" on this chapter.  Also this week, we will continue working on our Southeast Farmer Projects.
Items to review for the Chapter 6 (open-book) quiz:
*Key words: barrier islands, hurricane, wetlands, hurricane season, key, fall line, fossil fuel, Piedmont, Inner Coastal Plains, Outer Coastal Plains, endangered species, extinct, & pulp.
*Why are hurricanes dangerous?

*Name some crops from the Southeast. Why do these crops grow well in the Southeast.
*If you were going on a trip to the Southeast, where would you go and why? All theme parks (Disney World, Epcot Center, Universal Studios, etc.) are closed!!!!

Spelling - We will have a special spelling unit this week.

English - We will begin a new unit in the NEW YEAR.

Reading - We will use some of our reading time to work on our Southeast Farmer projects.  Also, the children will be reading a readers' theater of A Polar Express on Wednesday.

Mrs. Sulima's Math Spotlight:
Monday - Begin unit on Multiplying and Dividing Decimals.  Multiply and Divide with 10, 100, and 1000.  HW:  WB pgs. 101 and 106.
Tuesday - Estimate Decimal Products and Multiply a decimal by a whole number.  HW: WB pgs. 102 and 103.
Wednesday - No math due to Bowling Field Trip.
Thursday - Multiplying Decimals by Decimals.  Zeros in the Product.  HW:  WB pgs. 104 and 105.
Friday - No math due to Tivoli Field Trip.