Friday, February 8, 2013

Behind the Scenes - Week of February 11

Weekly Spotlight:
*English Test on Monday.  Enrichment projects due.
*Guest Teacher on Tuesday.  I will be at a Gifted Convention.
*Valentine's Day Party on Thursday, 1:30-2:20.
*Time for Kids Quiz on Friday.
*Valentine's Day Spelling Test on Friday.
*Mid-term on Friday.

Coming Attractions:
*No school on Monday, Feb. 18.
*Author Night on Tuesday, Feb. 19.
*Spring Pictures on Thursday, Feb. 21.
*Early Dismissal on Tuesday, Feb. 26.
*ISAT Testing - March 4 through 13.

Homeroom Happenings:
Science - We have finished our study of the human body.  Our next unit will be on Simple Machines.  Your child will be working in a group to complete a simple machines presentation.

Social Studies - The children will begin a state research project this week.  They will be learning about a state in the Midwest.  Children will be researching state symbols, famous people from the state, and famous places, events, landmarks, tourist attractions, etc.  We will be making a project that will be displayed at our spring open house.

Spelling - We are going to work with a Valentine's theme spelling list this week.  The children will have activities to complete for each night.  They will be tested on the words on Friday.  

English - On Monday, the children will take the unit 5 test on Capitalization and Punctuation.  Also, English enrichment projects will be due on Monday.

Reading - We will continue working in our COACH book.  Also, the children will have time each day to work on their poetry projects.  I have reserved the lab on Thursday and Friday to allow children time to start typing their poems.  Poetry books are due Monday, February 25.  A requirements sheet and grading rubric should be in your child's binder.

Mrs. Sulima's Math Spotlight:
Monday - Transformations and Symmetry.  HW:  Short-Response Problems.
Tuesday - Volume and Extended Response.  HW:  Finish Extended Response.
Wednesday - Factors, Multiples, Prime Numbers, and Prime Factorization.  HW:  TBD
Thursday - Trivia Challenge.  HW:  "The Baker" problem. (Shortened math due to Valentine's Day Party.)
Friday - Elapsed Time.  HW:  "Boats"