Thursday, October 3, 2013

Week of October 7 - 11

Weekly Events:
*Spelling pretest on Monday.
*Chapter 5 science test on Monday.
*Unit 1 English test on Tuesday.
*Wear orange on Wednesday for Unity Day - Stand up against bullying.
*Jr. Achievement on Wednesday.
*Chapter 4 social studies test on Thursday.
*Spelling test on Friday.
*Movie Night on Friday, 6:30-8:45.

Coming Events:
*No School on Monday, October 14 - Columbus Day.

Homeroom Happenings:
Spelling - The children will take a spelling pretest on Monday.  All spelling workbook pages or challenge activities will be due on Friday.  The challenge and regular tests will be on Friday.  Your child may choose to do the test in print or cursive.

English - On Tuesday, the children will take the Unit 1 Sentence Test.  There are many resources your child may use to prepare for this test.  They may use the items in their English pocket, the lesson pages in the textbook, the lesson review in the textbook, and the extra practice pages in the textbook.  
Each child will need to bring a photograph, picture from Internet, or picture from the Internet on Wednesday.  It should be a picture that they would like to write about.

Reading - We will work on building or reading stamina this week.  Each day, we will set a goal to increase the amount of time we can read independently.  We will also begin working with non-fiction/informational text this week.  The children will not receive a TFK magazine this week.

Science - On Monday, the children will take the chapter 5 test.  There are many resources your child can use to prepare for this test.  They may use the lessons in the textbook, items in their science pocket, the chapter 5 review in the textbook, and their bingo board.  The bingo board has a list of words/phrases that would be beneficial to review.
We will also continue working on our Snow Leopard brochures.  You can watch your child's progress on their Google Apps account.  Your child's username is  Their password is their school network password twice with no space.

Social Studies - On Monday, we will fill out a "how to study" sheet for our first social studies test which will be on Thursday.  At least 5 ways to study for the test will be listed on the "how to study" sheet.  If your child writes at least 2 ways they studied and have a parent sign their sheet, they will receive a bonus point on their test.  We will use Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to review the 3 lessons in chapter 4.

Mrs. Sulima's Math Class:
Monday - Estimating Products
Tuesday - Multiplying by 1 & 2 digit number (Whole and Decimal)
Wednesday - Multiplying by larger numbers (Whole and Decimal)
Thursday - Order of Operations Activities.
Friday - We will finish our activities from Thursday & review for the chapter 2 test on Tuesday, October 15.