Friday, December 13, 2013

Week of December 16

Weekly Events:
*Early Dismissal on Tuesday, 11:00.
*Bowling trip from 9:00-11:00 on Wednesday.
*Students will present their owl presentations on Wednesday and Thursday.
*Spelling Test on Friday.
*Tivoli All-School trip on Friday. (We will eat lunch in the classroom before the trip.)

*Coming Attractions:
*Winter Break from December 21 to January 5.  Enjoy!
*Return to school on Monday, January 6

Homeroom Happenings:
Spelling - We will not have a spelling pretest this week.  We will be working with a special winter/holiday list.  Each child will need to complete 3 activities from our "Challenge Activity list" using the winter/holiday words.  The three activities are due Friday.

English - We will begin a new English unit after winter break.  This week, we will do some writing activities.

Reading - When we return from winter break, we will begin a new novel study.  The children should be working on their biography shape book project.


Science - The children have done a WONDERFUL job on their owl slide shows.  Don't forget, you can check your child's work on their google account.  This was a group project.  Each group had 2 or 3 students.  I am amazed at how well the groups worked together.  Thank you, boys and girls, for all your hard work on this project!

Social Studies - We will begin chapter 6, lesson 2.  After break, the children will be introduced to our trade fair project.  Each child will be responsible for creating something to trade at the trade fair.  All items should be homemade.  Start thinking now!

Mrs. Sulima's Math Class:
Monday - We will review for the test on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Tuesday - 1/2 of the test (addition and subtraction of fractions and mixed numbers)
Wednesday - 1/2 of the test (multiplication and division of fractions and mixed numbers)
Thursday - Fraction Problem Solving Day.
Friday - No Math.  Enjoy your break.  Get ready for our study of integers when we return from break.