Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sulima's Scoop - Week of April 21

I would like to thank all of you who attended our Spring Open House. It was a great success! We will be counting our candy bar ballots in class on Friday. I wonder which candy bar came out on top. Also, I would like to thank the families that donated books to our classroom library.

Weekly Reminders:
*Lesson 30 spelling pretest on Monday.
*Please join us for our wax museum on Wednesday, Apr. 23, from 12:00-12:40.
*Thirty-nine state test on Thursday.
*Early dismissal on Thursday - 11:00.
*Lesson 30 spelling test on Friday.
*Friday theme - Decade Day - wear clothes to represent the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, or 90's.

Classroom Happenings:

English: The children will continue working on their verb ABC books. These will be due on Friday, April 25.

Reading: Last week, we read a story called Farmer Schulz's Ducks. This week the children will do a problem/solution flap book based on the 3 main problems and 3 main attempted solutions from the story.

Science: We will continue our study of rocks and minerals this week. Our focus will be on igneous rocks.

Social Studies: Our Famous Illinoisan Wax Museum will be on Wednesday, from 12:00-12:40. All are welcome! During the week, we will also work on finishing our study of Illinois.

Math: We will review the fraction unit on Monday. The children will take the fraction test on Tuesday. Examples will be given on the test, but the children will not be able to use their notes. On Wednesday, we will begin a unit on multiplying by a 2-digit number.

Website of the Week:
Learn more about igneous rocks at: