Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sulima's Scoop - Week of April 28

Weekly Reminders:

*Lesson 31 spelling pretest on Monday.
*Lizzadro Field Trip on Tuesday, from 11:15-2:00. Children will need to bring a sack lunch and drink.
*Jr. Achievement on Thursday.
*Lesson 31 spelling test on Friday.

Classroom Happenings:
English - We will be taking an English pretest on Monday and will begin our next unit on Wednesday.

Reading - At the beginning of the week, we will finish our problem/solution theme. Our next unit will focus on mysteries. This is always a favorite among the children.

Science - We will continue our Earth Science Unit. The children will learn more about igneous rocks and volcanoes. Then we will move onto sedimentary rocks.

We will take our trip to the Lizzadro Museum on Tuesday. The children will be doing a scavenger hunt throughout the museum. They will also have the opportunity to visit the gift shop. I have sent home a price list of some items in the gift shop to help them plan what they may want to purchase. The children will only have a few minutes to make their selection. We will be eating lunch in our classroom before we leave for the museum. The children will need to bring a sack lunch and drink on that day.

Social Studies - At the beginning of the week, we will finish our region scrapbook for the Midwest. I hope to begin our study of the Southwest at the end of this week.

Math - We will continue our unit on multiplying by a 2-digit number. At the beginning of the week, we will practice multiplying a 2-digit number by a 2-digit number. Then we will cover multiplying a 3-digit or 4-digit number by a 2-digit. We will probably take a quiz on all the lessons in this chapter on Friday. Please help your child look over lessons each night.

Website of the Week -
Visit The Lizzadro Museum Website at: