Thursday, May 1, 2008

Sulima's Scoop - Week of May 5

Weekly Reminders:
*Lesson 32 spelling pretest on Monday.
*Lesson 32 spelling test on Friday.

Thank You:
We would like to thank Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Kryk for joining us on our field trip to the Lizzadro Museum.

Summer School: Please visit our district homepage or click on the link below to view the enrichment summer school classes that are being offered this summer. I will be teaching 2 classes this summer - Crafty Computers and Art & Literature. Please read the descripton of these 2 classes plus the other many exciting classes being offered.

Classroom Happenings:
English - We will continue our unit on Adverbs and Prepositions. This is a short unit. Our lessons this week will include using good and well, negatives, and prepositional phrases. Our test on Unit 7 will be on Wednesday, May 14.

Reading - Our mystery unit will continue. The children are now in detective agencies. Throughout our unit, we will be reading, listening to, and watching mysteries. As agencies we will fill out detective notes. These notes include setting, mystery (problem), suspects, clues, and solution. Ask your children about the mystery we watch last week. It was a Sherlock Holmes classic.

Science - We will continue our studying of sedimentary rocks by focusing on weathering and erosion. At the end of the week, we will begin exploring metamorphic rocks.

Social Studies - Welcome to the Southwest. This is a small region but an important one. Our trip will begin in the Grand Canyon. We will discover how the Grand Canyon was formed and its importance to the Southwest region.

Math - We have now finished our unit on multiplying by a 2-digit number. This week we will move on to a study of dividing by a 1-digit number.

Website of the Week -
Find out more about the Grand Canyon at...