Thursday, November 1, 2012

Behind the Scenes - Week of November 5

Weekly Spotlight:
*No school on Monday.
*No school on Tuesday - Teacher Institute.
*Vocabulary quiz on Wednesday.
*Chapter 2, lesson 2 science quiz on Thursday.

Coming Attractions:
*No school on Monday, Nov. 12 - Veteran's Day.
*Bingo Night on Friday, Nov. 16 - Mrs. Sulima will be there.
*No school Nov. 21 through 23 - Thanksgiving Break
*Rollerskating Party on Monday, Nov. 26, 3:45-6:30.

Homeroom Happenings:
English - The children will take the next English pretest.  We will also share our enrichment from Unit 3.

Spelling - Due to the shortened week, we will not have a spelling unit this week.

Reading - We will begin a new novel this week - A Family Apart by Joan Lowery Nixon. This (historically accurate) heroic tale follows the adventures of six children who are sent out west on the Orphan Train by their impoverished mother in hope that they will find a better life. Frances Mary, the eldest of the Kelly children, shepherds her siblings through the Orphan Train trip and struggles to find them good homes. Frances Mary and Petey are adopted by the Cummings' and find themselves involved in the Underground Railroad movement. This book, as well as the accompanying activities, will challenge your child in various ways. Be sure to ask your child about this story. Find out more about the Orphan Train and other historical events that we will encounter while reading A Family Apart. Visit these websites:

Science - The children will take an open book quiz on chapter 2, lesson 2 on Thursday.  We will also continue lesson 3.

Social Studies - We will learn about a Northeast Native American tribe - The Narragansett.

Mrs. Sulima's Math Spotlight:
Monday - No school.
Tuesday - No school.
Wednesday - Review for Chapter 2 test.  HW:  Study for Chapter 2 test tomorrow.
Thursday - Chapter 2 Test with Extended Response.
Friday - Pretest and "Math Square" celebration.

MAP Practice Sites: